Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Silence is Deafening

"If you saw this kind of injustice, what would you do? Would you have stood up against this?" I had asked my 7th graders. We were in the midst of our 1940's unit and, amidst learning about Pearl Harbor, Loose Lips, and Rosie the Riveter, we learned about the Holocaust. My students, of course, were outraged. They didn't understand why someone could kill so many Jews, homosexuals, Gypsys, and disabled people, let alone how people could stand by and watch someone kill these people. I reminded my students that there are many injustices in the United States and around the world that we need to be aware of. We may have a time in our lives when we need to stand up against such evil. "Stand up for what is right, even if you're standing alone." That's the poster I hang on my wall, the poster I would often refer to as we discussed social injustice.

Now is my turn to take my own advice. I didn't used to think I'd ever really stand up against violence. It's the US, for crying out loud! But the time has come, and there are many paralels between the former Holocaust and the present. The media. Call it propaganda or biased news, it connives its way into our culture and makes us believe lies. It's so convincing! And the view of human beings and the right to life. I hear the same excuses for this holocaust--disabilities, weakness, inferior. It's startling how similar our time today is to the time of the Holocaust. But the worst: the deafening silence, particularly of Christians.

How long can we stand by silently, allowing people to convince society that people have rights to kill? How long can we let people take the lives of the innocent? Are we not here for such a time as this? Has God not placed us in Montgomery County for such a time as this?

If you don't want to be percieved as a crazy anti-abortionist, I understand. But pray for the end to abortion, and pray with all of your heart that Summer of Mercy 2.0 would change minds, hearts, and laws. And if you're so bold as to step out and say defiantly "Enough!" then I will see you at the rally, and together we will end this deafening silence.

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